CMB Alumni Project

UofL Drum Major Natalie Humble is spearheading an initiative to bring college and university bands across KY together and celebrate what would have been Derby day and the playing of My Old Kentucky Home.


We cordially invite you to be a part of this project and submit a recording.

Deadline is APRIL 22. 🎼🏇🌹


This is Natalie Humble bringing you an awesome initiative to bring the college and university bands across the state together!

As you know, we are the Official Band of the Kentucky Derby, and we take pride in this every time we perform “My Old Kentucky Home” before the race begins (rain or shine!). This year our circumstances have changed, but we still have the opportunity to share this wonderful song and experience with others all across the state of Kentucky.

I have created a project to allow us to perform this in time for Derby week, while sharing the opportunity with other band students from other schools to play alongside us! Thanks to Dr. Speck and the CMB staff, we have access to all the parts to our arrangement of MOKH, as well as a Google Forms link to submit video recordings. After all videos are submitted, they will be compiled into a state-wide mass performance of our state song by college band members.

Video Requirements (Can also be found in the Google folder):
– Find a quiet spot without any background noise. Make sure TVs and radios are turned off.
– Tune your instrument before recording.
– When you record, listen to a metronome click through headphones.
– Tempo should be set at quarter note = 72.
– When you are ready to play, verbally count aloud “one, two.” That will give you time to breathe on three and play the pickup notes on count four.
– Record to the end of the song. Make sure to take the repeat after the 1st ending. Do not slow down at the end or add any extra breaks.
– Record with a landscape/horizontal orientation.
– Wear a college/university shirt and show your school pride!

SUBMIT BY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd (this is an extension from the original date)

To access these files, follow the link below. The video should be uploaded to the Google Form within the folder. You will need a Google account to upload a video:…/1-KFuEpCiMb5_kBlCrIwNurymBKtP5CE…

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and to those of you doing essential work, I am very proud and thankful for all you are doing! I strongly encourage everyone to participate in this project, because we are all part of #TeamKentucky. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to email me at