“Yes Cards” Due Today! Confirmation Emails Sent!

Dear Cardinal Marching Band,

A reminder that today, JULY 1, is the deadline for confirming your spot in the 1st two shows for the 2013 Cardinal Marching Band Season! A CONFIRMATION EMAIL has been sent to everyone who has completed a “2013 Yes Card” and/or class registration. Please check your email to see if your current information is complete or if there is pending information that still we need from you to confirm your spot. If you did not receive a confirmation email and you intend on participating, please contact Dr. Acklin ASAP, as this means you are not currently on the roster.

To confirm your spot for Pregame and the 1st two shows of the 2013 season, you must 1) Complete the online “yes card” and 2) Officially enroll in the class. I’ve extended the registration deadline to this Friday, July 5. Permission for further registration extensions may be given IF you contact Dr. Acklin (a.acklin@louisville.edu).

Enrollment will still be open through the summer, however, members joining after this week may be considered as “alternates” for the 1st two shows if the drill has already been completed.

Also, please know that official BAND CAMP letters will be emailed late-July. I hope you are having a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Dr. Acklin